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Has got a problem with e-mail system in Oxwall! | Forum

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Dec 10 '16

Do not know why my test registration not received any email when I used kjetil.ervikson@telia.com or other of my Telia email addresses!

However, received email after registration when I used a gmail address!

What happens?

Looks that i have the following data on the server, which I do not understand anything of. And no, information about mail addresses are not listed on https://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/

The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Dec 10 '16
dave Leader
dave Dec 10 '16
May i ask why your using this format in your email address ?


your email should be 


The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 10 '16
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Dec 10 '16
Not problem vid that now, server admin fiks that problem now.

Have never had problem vid that mailadress.

And he had settup Mailgun for me-

Why do I not yet, a little new to this Mailgun thing.

! no, i cant se the point.

I have gmail, so i dont need a new mail host.

What is the point of Mailgun? Certainly usable email provider, but: I have gmail and does not need more email providers! I use Oxwall. There are no plugins supporting Mailgun on the platform, no plugins for Mailgun API key. So vad is so point to add more hands on the same email broadcast!

The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Dec 10 '16
Aliya Team
Aliya Dec 12 '16
unfortunately I didn't undertstand your last reply ((

Going back to original ( first post).
Issue is with your email account only. Am I correct in understanding that you are using Mailgun as your SMTP provider and SMTP is enabled in your admin panel?

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Dec 12 '16
Server administrators have fixed the problem, but they gave me tips on Mailgun. So I signed up there and the server administrator set it up for me. but if I use it, I'm well doubt, when I had to do one thing or another to use Mailgun. Nor does the point of using Mailgun. I have a mail service Gmail, do not need another one.