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Database overload | Forum

Khari Dec 15 '16
Hi, I have problem with my Oxwall database. it seems that something happen that makes my oxwall database overload. This problem make me suspended from my hosting service. I'm still waiting for details from the hosting provider, currently they said u8305363_oxwa164 database is the culprit. I wonder if anyone here had similar experience with me?
dave Leader
dave Dec 15 '16

Let us know what they say, we dont know what they mean by database overload?  Maybe you have a IO limit on your hosting plan or a database limit of some kind.  

We need more details please, thanks :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 15 '16
Khari Dec 16 '16
Hi dave, unfortunately they only give me some possibilities about what might happen:

-high traffic per account up to 3000 unique visitor per day

-overusing query database

-overload data from database when opening webpage

-not using cache system/plugin for reducing database query

-using persistent mode when connecting to database

-using one or more statistic type script/plugin for collecting data such as visitor, counter, etc
-spamming into database in high volume, ie comments

-programming error

honestly im not quite understand myself. however, after they unlock my account, I saw several new members in my site and so many posting and comment from them. Unfortunately I forgot to take a note for the post timestamp

dave Leader
dave Dec 16 '16
You need to protect yourself from spammers. Spammers will find your new install and spam you alot during the first week or so of your site.  Change the site description and also i would suggest using this plugin. 


As far as the other items, unless we have a specific reason, error message, or something to go on we cant assist you, the options are just too many. 

However you must have a very strange hosting company because most hosting companies will tell you exactly what the issue is.  Plus Oxwall is running around the world on all kinds of hosting companies and running very well. So i would tend to blame your host more than i would Oxwall at this point.  Maybe you need to change hosts.