However was wondering if anyone else on the Oxwall community have noticed any issues with with their site after implementing:
a) Performance issues
b) Any hardcoded http: URL in Core or Plugins
However was wondering if anyone else on the Oxwall community have noticed any issues with with their site after implementing:
a) Performance issues
b) Any hardcoded http: URL in Core or Plugins
However, the hardcoded http links gave me a small headache. What I ended up doing was
- export the DB into one SQL file on my workstation
- then ran TextWrangler through it replacing all with strings
- then dumped the DB on the server (careful, that renders your entire site unusable) using webmin
- then reimported the now fixed SQL file from my workstation to my server using webmin.
Everything worked just dandy after that, everything is in https now and Firefox as well as Chrome indicate that no content is being loaded by mere http anymore. :)
Thanks. My site is hosted and setup went smooth.
Only two pages (not counting Video) do not show secure: Main and Search Pro. I will go thru the code for those.
You are right about the speed- I do not notice any big difference.