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Email not working at all ! [Answered] | Forum

Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 11 '12

I've setup oxwall for my familly but i haven't been able to send a single email from the site.

invitations don't reach targets, internal emails don't reach targets, registration confirmation emails don't reach target ...

Tried all the smtp config ......... tested ok with and without ssl

setup the cron job 15 min and then 30 min .... still not work !

The email is working fine cause i can send email via horde on the same email !

can you help ?

my site is www.famille-mamet.com



The Forum post is edited by Alia May 28 '13
Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 15 '12
Yes i tried everything !


with smtp

with smtp + ssl

Still does not work !

What can i try now ?

Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 18 '12
i've diverted my email to gmail apps !

tried to use gmail smtp server !

still doesn't work !

Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 18 '12
Ok ....

when i use wget (had to download "gnuwget") email and online users are working !

It looks like the cron job is not working on the server !

How can i make it work ?

Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 18 '12
Did you follow the Cron setup manual?
Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 18 '12

the cron is installed .... but somehow, it doesn't work !

Must I change the timing to 5 or 10 min....... may be there is a load protection from the server !

  cron.jpg (18.88Kb)
Andreas Aug 18 '12
The best is to run it every minute. On my Server I have 5 Minutes. But somethings are delayed... ;)
Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 18 '12
ok the cron is executing ! But I get this error in my email !

/home/mamet/public_html/wall/ow_cron/run.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home/mamet/public_html/wall/ow_cron/run.php: line 3: /aquota.user: Permission denied
/home/mamet/public_html/wall/ow_cron/run.php: line 4: access-logs: command not found
/home/mamet/public_html/wall/ow_cron/run.php: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/home/mamet/public_html/wall/ow_cron/run.php: line 5: ` * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (the “License”);'

I was getting a permission denied on run.php before, so i change the file permission to 744...... now i get this error !

Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 19 '12
Got it to work.

just added php before /home/......../run.php

==> php /home/......../run.php

keep the script running every min

It seems to work well now !

Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 19 '12
ok not working again !

I'm a bit tired !

Everything was fine !

Now no emails anymore !

Andreas Aug 19 '12
There is a delay in sending mails. I do not realy know how long this delay is but I think every 10 minutes maybe? Just ask someone from Oxwall, but in the script there stand 10 and in the comment minutes...
Michael I.
Michael I. Sep 3 '12
Vincent, Cron cannot just stop working. It means there were some changes made either on the server or in the Cron command. Do you have SSH access to your server?
Brian May 25 '13
This worked for me...

/usr/local/bin/php /home/YourSiteName/public_html/YourSite/OnTheWall/ow_cron/run.php

Replace yourSite with the URL of your web address...

Replace yourSiteName with the name of your site .. example yourSiteName = (google)