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Member roles and settings | Forum

Nanuky Jan 22 '17

i have create me a 18+ Adult website and have insert a NoFake-Check module.
All is running fine...

I have more as one Role in it for blocking the content in my website ..

Role one is Guest - Role second are members who maked registration but need a age verification. I like to block the content for them, solong they haven´t done a verification. After the verification i set the role manual up.

I have test it, all sites blocked but not my membersite! And here is my problem!

I blocked chatting and mails for this role and all other functions ( gifts, chat friendsrequests, sending credits, ect... ) >> Screen:

But i have test it and my unverified members can chat form membersite or to others!

I don´t understand what is wrong and why this settings are not blocked for this role?! and i can block  all sites (Blogs, Photos, Videos ... ect ... ), but not the membersite :(

I hope someone has a idea. Thx

The Forum post is edited by Nanuky Jan 22 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 23 '17
Did you use the default "Free" role for the basic member? This would be the one registered members are automatically assigned to. You can rename it to something else, but if you deleted the free role, it may be assigning them to another role.