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"Revolution" theme little problem | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Mikhael Feb 17 '17
I found a little problem with the theme "revolution". If you create additional page (/admin/pages) with a link to /photo/view/latest, in the database appears references in tables "_menu_item" and "_documets" (like "page_q28aw3ge", null, null, 'photo/view/latest' for example). After that,  display the "LAST photos" is not working. I don't know why, didn't have time to test it much. I just deleted this page and references in database. May be this information will be useful to someone, because i spent 4 hours to find problem. :) May be theme not see new page keys... (like base+local_page_title_page_q28aw3ge)/.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 17 '17
Themes shouldn't affect this Creating pages is a platform function. The theme just provides a visual appearance. However, if this works on other themes, you should bring this to the Devs attention by posting this in the items forum section in the store. OW Visuals will most likely never see it here.