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Please change core lang text for cancel friends request | Forum

dave Leader
dave Feb 25 '17

Currently when you send a friend request and then refresh and look at the same dropdown menu - it says Cancel

The problem is that it does not say what to cancel, if you dont remember that is the friends request cancel then you dont know what the cancel means or what it is related to. 

I suggest changing the following lang key please.  

text key='friends+cancel_request

 Currently set to Cancel, i would change it too Cancel Friend Req

i abbreviated "Request" to "Req"  because otherwise the block is a bit too wide when you view it.  

Please change the core... 

Thanks dave 

The Forum post is edited by dave Feb 25 '17
Fabrice Nov 13 '17
Dave, i have a problem about friend request... is not the same problem but is connected to this, i think... if you send a friend request to an user, in the user profile appear "cancel request" and in other part of the site (example, hint or member search) appear "remove friend", but friend request is not already accepted.... :( this problem get my users confused... if you don't go to user profile, seem that user is friend when is not yet accepted the friend request.
The Forum post is edited by Fabrice Nov 13 '17
dave Leader
dave Nov 13 '17
Hi, if i understand you correctly it sounds like a conflict with another plugin.  But it sounds like you are using SkaDate and so youll have to contact their suppport as SkaDate questions are not answered here.  
Fabrice Nov 28 '17
i've not skadate