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Support questions - Birthday Greetz | Forum

jeo Jun 13 '12
dus this haft to be only birday mail can this be set to send any messages to all users on site.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
This plugin is only for Birthday wishes. If you need a plugin related to any other requirement, please PM me.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
@Jasper: Yes. All the members who have birthday on a given day, will get the same message. The message can be customized by Admin in the plugin settings page.
Yves Jun 13 '12
this is a great plugin.
I was working with Socialgo before but i'm happy now that i switch to oxwall.
The system works fine,plugins are affordable ........ (almost)everything one need to create a social network.
Keep up the good work guys.

Damn ..... i just come to realize i wasted 3 years with my former site on socialgo.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
@Yves: Thanks for your comments.

@Jasper: The members will just get an email on their birthday. Can you explain what you mean my email notification?
Yves Jun 14 '12
Can i be so free to make a suggestion .
Is it possible to let the plugin also send a message to the person his wall?
It would be nice if it could do both ...... sending a mail and a message to the B-day person his wall.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Yves: By default, a message is being added in the wall on the birthday. Why would another feed added in the wall?
samuel jackson
samuel jackson Jun 20 '12

first thank you for this great plugin.

now my suggestion:

can you make for next relies, that we can also translate the content of the e-mail to multi language that are selected?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
You mean automatic translation? More details please.. let me know how you would like it.
samuel jackson
samuel jackson Jun 21 '12
i have two languages in my community, german and english.

now when a user that's speak english have a birthday, then becomes the birthday greetz content of english and the german user of german.

actually is this not possible, because the content is only for one language.

i hope you understood me.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
First, the use language is not stored anywhere.

How do you determine is an user is English or German? Currently there is not way to determine that.

Correct me if I am wrong.
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