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Plugin update | Forum

Cisana Gianluca
Cisana Gianluca Aug 16 '12

I'm manually trying to upgrade 3 plugins but without success. 

I've donwloaded ajaxim.5134.zip, blogs.5195.zip, friends.5134.zip and uncompressed into ow_plugins/ folder rewritting the previous ones.

When I enter in the admin panel I see again "Plugin updates available: 3" and don't ask me to upgrade the database.

I've done the same procedure with mailbox plugin and has worked regoularly.

I've also put a new plugin that I want to install in ow_plugins (ocs_slider) but I don't see it in available plugins on the admin page.

Can anyone help me?

Thankyou, Gianluca

PS I've problems with the automatic update (write files permission)

Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 17 '12
Go to your database > ow_base_plugin, find the record with the plugin you want to update and change the value in 'revision' column from current to previous. I can provide more details if we have more information about versions of plugins.
Cisana Gianluca
Cisana Gianluca Aug 17 '12
Today I was working on the admin area with define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', true); in config.php and I see a permission error message while the system tryed to write to the folder ow_plugins. I've change the permission recursively on the folder from rwxr-xr-x to 777 and immediately system notify me that plugins are changed and need to update the database.

Now it's all ok and I've found also ocs_slider plugin in the available plugins lists.

I've also discovered why ftp update don't work. I don't have ftp.so library in my centos 5.8 system!

Thank you for your advice Michael if I will encounter again this problem I will try your suggestion :-)

Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 18 '12
Okay, Gianluca - I am glad to hear that you've managed to resolve your problems. Have fun with Oxwall ;)
Den Team
Den Aug 30 '12