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Emoji not displaying in mass mail and truncating the message. | Forum

Juan May 22 '17
I'm on Oxwall 1.8.4.

Last night I tried to send a mass e-mail using emoji. It was sent as plain text.

However, the emoji did not display and the message was truncated where the first emoji appeared.

The emoji should have displayed without issue.

Is there anything I can do to be able to use emoji?

I appreciate your assistance.

The Forum post is edited by Juan May 22 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B May 22 '17
Not sure if this will help since I haven't tried it, but plain text is just that. "Plain Text" no code. Did you try selecting "HTML" from the dropdown list to see if that works?
Juan May 23 '17

Quote from Darryl B Not sure if this will help since I haven't tried it, but plain text is just that. "Plain Text" no code. Did you try selecting "HTML" from the dropdown list to see if that works?
I've avoided HTML due to another issue, not being able to use variables, or at least insert them.

Also, emoji are not code, they are Unicode characters.
The Forum post is edited by Juan May 23 '17