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Edit landing page - Revolution | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Kenneth Nov 16 '17
Hi there,

I have Theme Revolution and they have a nice landing page. But I need to edit (redesign) the page. I need to change photos to video's etc.

Where is the code for landing page?



The Forum post is edited by Kenneth Nov 16 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Nov 16 '17
Each store item has it's own forum for communicating questions,  or problems related to the item. The developer will most likely never see your post here, and they will be best at being able to answer your questions. You can also send the developer a P.M. 
Kenneth Nov 16 '17
Hi Darryl,

Yes, thanks.

But maybe the question is the same on all other landing pages(?) All Themes(?)

I cant be the first who wants to edit the sign in page?

Best Kenneth

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Nov 16 '17
I have seen on store item forums where people are asking about how to make some changes related to the landing page addition. The landing page for these themes is a custom plugin that the developer created. The code they use is specific for their landing page. This is why it's usually best to start with the theme's developer to find out if it can be done.