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IM chat - CSS problem! | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
JB TECH Sep 22 '12
I have a major problem with the CSS of the IM, concerning the profile pictures. I looked and ow_avatar talk_box_avatar is just suppose to be the width of 45 pixels. People who joined with Facebook, have the right profile pic size, but look at what happens when you chatting with someone who has a full size/regular changed avatar:

How can I fix this? It is making he avatar 90px instead of 45! I'm using the Facelook_Black theme, and this is my website = WeeShare!

Please help soon, thanks!

JB TECH Sep 24 '12
I uninstalled, and reinstalled, and it made no difference. 

Someone please help me, this is making my site look "junky."

Please message me on my profile. Thanks!