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Installation Error | Forum

John Dec 30 '17
Hi, I have trouble installing oxwal on a debian 8 server with virtualmin. I first got a 500 error which i fixed in the .httaccess and now i can succesfully load the install page. However it tells me that i am missing php extensions.

Your hosting account doesn't meet the following requirements:

  • zip PHP extension not installed
  • gd PHP extension not installed
  • mysql PHP extension not installed

However the extensions are installed

root@vps164250:~# php5 -m | grep -i zip


root@vps164250:~# php5 -m | grep -i gd


root@vps164250:~# php5 -m | grep -i mysql




Restarted apache and still landing on this page. Any idea on how to fix this issue ??

The Forum post is edited by John Dec 30 '17
John Dec 30 '17
Nevermind my post. I found a work around for the issue. and everything is up and running now. If somebody else have the same problem here is how i fixed it.

1. Make sure all the extensions are properly installed and properly linked in your php.ini

2. Log on your server and go to /home/yourwebsite/public_html/ow_install/files

3. with your favorite txt editor open requirements.txt

4 from the line #PHP extensions php.extensions PDO, mbstring, zip, zlib, ftp, json, dom, gd, mysql; Just erase the extensions that are displaying in error

You will then be able to move forward. 

N.B. if step 1 isn't done properly, don't expect the install to work