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Creating a new HTML page with photo album | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Liviu-Daniel Jan 9 '18

I want to make a custom page with many pictures:

I want to display all pictures in an album (with Next photo and Previous photo button) like in attached photo, instead of putting them all one after another.

Can anyone tell me if I can use the Oxwall photo album in a custom page? How? Html Code required as exmaple...

Thank you.
  Untitled.png (672Kb)
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jan 11 '18

ow_userfiles / plugin / (photo - avatar - cover other image folder paths) for this

You can draw a new extension of these paths and linked tables.

just attach it to a slide screen.

This process requires a new plugin structure code and developer support