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Group Image | Forum

Crystal Jan 24 '11
If a member starts a group but does not add an image you see a white block with "no image" This makes the site look bad is there not a way to add a generic picture if a member does not upload an image when group is created.
Den Team
Den Jan 25 '11
Yes, sure. You can change this image via FTP.
Replace file: ow_static/plugins/groups/images/no-picture.gif
Crystal Jan 25 '11
Thanks did that.
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 26 '11
would this need to be redone if a core update comes, ie, does an update set it back to default?
The Forum post is edited by Michael Jan 26 '11
Den Team
Den Jan 27 '11
It can be need to redone, if update pack of group's plugins contains this file. In other words, if there were changes in this file in update, then this file will be replaced
Sconer Feb 14 '12
Addenster - Is there a way to remove the image option all together? To clarify, I do not want an image associated with a group. thanks
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 19 '12
Scott, disabling images would require a code modification.
Sconer Feb 19 '12
Is this something that I can do? Or possibly request? How about making photo optional within setting in the next release?
Mark Feb 19 '12
you could always make this image  ow_static/plugins/groups/images/no-picture.gif a 1x1 transparent pixel
Sconer Feb 20 '12
great suggestion, Thanks Mark!
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 22 '12
Ha, really good solution, Mark. Thumbs up for creativity!