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Pete Oct 8 '12
BotScout helps prevent automated web scripts, known as "bots", from registering on forums, polluting databases, spreading spam, and abusing forms on web sites. We do this by tracking the names, IPs, and email addresses that bots use and logging them as unique signatures for future reference. We also provide a simple yet powerful API that you can use to test forms when they're submitted on your site.

Stop The Bots.You can manually search our bot database to find bots in your forums, but you can also use a little bit of code in your forum, contact form, or other web application to test for bots and automatically ban or reject them on the spot. To make use of our database in your application, all you need to do is query it correctly. You can also download a list of the most recently-caught bots (shown below) from this URL: http://botscout.com/last_caught_cache.htm.

If you need to do more than about ~20 automated lookups a day you'll probably want to get a free API key so you can do as many as you need. We even provide some sample code that you can use in your forums, contact forms, mailing lists, and other parts of your site. There are also anti-bot plugins for popular forums and CMS applications, including SMF, VBulletin, phpBB, Phorum, PunBB, Invision Power Board, FUDForum, Ikonboard, W-Agora, Joomla, and Drupal.

Abbey Oct 8 '12
I'm sick of spam bots, I tried one of the antispam plugins here but blocked more than the bots.... I got the IP viewer and have been banning them that way but they just keep coming.... it's getting tedious
Purusothaman Ramanujam
It's sad that there can not be a single solution for spam bots. They keep registering new every day... which is very difficult and impossible for any anti-spam software to catch.
Abbey Oct 25 '12
I just wish I could block them from registering