If you only want to allow people to subscribe and unsubscribe from a certain page then a component is supplied which you can add to a new page.
Simply use:
Method 1 in the controller/component php file:
$this->addComponent('subscribeButton', new OFCOUTNER_CMP_SubscribeButton);
Method 2 in the SMARTY template file
{component class='OFCOUNTER_CMP_SubscribeButton'}
This will display a checkbox which people can use to subscribe and unsubscribe.
Simply use:
Method 1 in the controller/component php file:
$this->addComponent('subscribeButton', new OFCOUTNER_CMP_SubscribeButton);
Method 2 in the SMARTY template file
{component class='OFCOUNTER_CMP_SubscribeButton'}
The files are in the /components folder and /views/components folder.
You do not need to modify them though, you just need to add the component to a page that you wish to display the checkbox on by either method that i posted above.
Now, I will try and get it done tomorrow or over the weekend, but if other things come up then it will have to wait.
How do I translate the text of a pop-up window? see Attachment