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Store moderation team gone? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
JB TECH May 5 '18
It's been about a week and some odd few days since I've last submitted a plugin for moderation. Since then, it hasn't even been downloaded once (which, when the download count goes to 1 it usually means someone from the team is testing it). My last plugin got through after several days of waiting, but this has been a long one and I've tried contacting the store mods twice via email with no response.

Have they disappeared from Oxwall as well? Is anyone else having problems getting new plugins/themes approved to the store?
steph May 6 '18
Hello, Jake.
I had to wait 1 month before my plugin is validated. Good luck.
JB TECH May 7 '18
I see...

It's been two weeks now :)
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