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Worst error - Delete all plugins | Forum

Helike Oct 10 '12
OMG! I found out the worst error ever!
When I tried to delete my plugin folder, via Oxwall Administration Panel it's simple delete ALL MY PLUGINS!
Oxwall destroyed my community ;w;
Helike Oct 10 '12
My bd still live, I'm using it to restore my plugins , however I'm at school, so if you could help, I'm sending you by email my data.
Joseph Oct 10 '12
thats not an error if you delete the folder your plugins are in of course it will delete the plugins themselves that's common sense
Helike Oct 10 '12
I deleted ONE folder, from ONE plugin, using de Admin Panel of Oxwall.

I clicked once in ONE buttom...

And now I can't fix it...

It's deleted more than the plugins, seemly...

Joseph Oct 10 '12
ah ok sorry I read the first report wrong that does seem like a bad bug you have was it from the base plugin folder?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Is this a confirmed bug? Anyone else could reproduce this?

Sorry for you Helike..
Alia Team
Alia Oct 12 '12
Helike, can you specify where exactly you have been deleting plug ins? In Oxwall admin panel you can only delete plug ins one by one. I tested and all works fine there.