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video plugin | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12

Basically I was wondering if anyone can help me, I want to convert the basic Video plugin on my website to where members can have the choice of having it on either auto or manual play, so if they have it on auto play, when someone clicks on their profile the video will start to play automatically? I was told the way to do it is is to re- code the widget but I do not know how to do this, can anyone please help?

Kind regards


Joseph Oct 10 '12
there is a plugin in teh oxwall store called video plus it allows for auto play youtube videos other than that I am no help on this one
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12
Hi Joseph I have tried to look for this video plus but for some reason I cannot locate it, do you have the link for it please?
Yves Oct 10 '12
Hi Stan,

I think Joseph is talking about this plugin http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/276
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12
Thank you Yves but I have already got that one and it does not allow for auto play, I just want to be able to allow my members to have a choice whether to have there youtube video's that they download on auto or manual play if they choose to, someone said the only way to do this would be to re-code the Video plugin that is already on my website, but I would not know how to do that. but thank you for your help :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam

As per our yesterday's PM, adding that little piece of code will work in the video embed codes.

I will look tomorrow on this why you got some errors. That might be due to some manual errors.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Have a look on this page.

The video plays automatically when the page loads.


PS: The widgets just display the video image and does not show the actual video player.
The Forum post is edited by Purusothaman Ramanujam Oct 10 '12
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12
Hello Purus,

No it is working now, but what I really want is for that to work for all my members and the only way to do that is either have a plugin made or have the Video plugin on my website coded?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12
I have just looked at your test page and I think it is brilliant, but I want the video player to just include auto play without having to change the code in the youtube link?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Its possible to have a plugin which modifies all the links to have autoplay supported in the view page.
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Stan Thompson I have just looked at your test page and I think it is brilliant, but I want the video player to just include auto play without having to change the code in the youtube link?

No need to do that manually every time. A plugin can do that for all links and everytime a video is added.

As far as I am aware of, without changing the link, its not possible to auto-play.
The Forum post is edited by Purusothaman Ramanujam Oct 10 '12
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12
There is a website called www.tagged.com it is a dating website and it is free to join, and on everyone's profile they have a video player which allows all members to have it on either auto or manual play and it is brilliant, Oxwall could do with something like this.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Is that members can add their own videos which is different from the videos plugin?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Oct 10 '12
I see so can you make a plugin that will allow all youtube video's to start in auto play?
Joseph Oct 10 '12
no I was not speaking of video uploader but the plugin is now gone I have heard oxwall made him remove the plugin but I am not sure however he has it still on his oxwall site but thats up to you if you want it still http://www.oxwall.a6.pl/shop?page=1 
Joseph Oct 10 '12
the guy that made it also made search plus and many other plugins on here
Kashif Jan 20 '13
hi i have made my new website with oxwall 1.5 but problem is this videos not working i try so many times www.famelybook.com
cit27 Jan 20 '13
Kashif, please to make sure that you put the embeed code not iframe code or not link video code.
Olso check if the video sharing website is including (allowed) in your video plugin
Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Toyin Popoola
Toyin Popoola Jul 4 '13
I have tried it on my website- http://www.hekal.org/ but it's not working either. I'm hoping to edit the code to add &autoplay=1 and see if it works. Has anyone tried this ? pls let me know if it works for you.