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database [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Christopher Oct 15 '12
Hello, when i entered the database e.g. host, user , pass and other stuff.  I click continue for me to install the software , but nothing happens , it comes up with a white screen..  does anyone know the problem and if so , could they help me please
The Forum post is edited by ross Jan 7 '14
Pete Oct 15 '12
. Check your db name, db username and it's password, and check server name because it could be localhost or could be specific value ,or something you have put wrong like _ instead of like - or mist a letter or number out of your p/w user name
Christopher Oct 15 '12
the host is localhost    I've checked with my host because hes a friend of mine< and the database i created and put in the boxes ect: and pass is correct cos i've double checked it,, so i dont know whats wrong with it
Pete Oct 15 '12
What or you on Cpanel ?
Christopher Oct 15 '12
Yer i'm on cpanel the data base i created was in MYSQL
Pete Oct 15 '12
You might be better uploading a copy of oxwall yourself to server.,doing it that way .
Christopher Oct 15 '12
thats what i've done , I've uploaded a copy of oxwall to my ftp , and went to www.mydomain.com/ow_install    ; and i do the site thingy , then i click continue and database comes up , i enter details , and click continue and thats when the white screen comes up ,

Christopher Oct 15 '12
have you got skype and then maybe you could help me / my skype is     christophermurray89
Pete Oct 15 '12

It may be a the problem for this and many other installations encountering this error is due to a time-out in PHP

To correct it, change the php.ini file to have

max_execution_time = 120
max_input_time = 120


You will have to contact your host to do this


I would first try to reupload a fresh copy of the oxwall script

Christopher Oct 15 '12
ok thanks
Pete Oct 15 '12
Sorry i dont have Skype
Christopher Oct 15 '12
oh ok , do you have facebook ? or something , then you could help me if i have any questions
Christopher Oct 15 '12
nah still dosnt work mate.. i enter the correct details for database and i click continue and it just comes up with a blank white page
Pete Oct 15 '12
Get intouch with the Oxwall team Chris ,thy or the best ones to contact .
Christopher Oct 15 '12
i've sent them a contact form
Alia Team
Alia Oct 15 '12
Christopher, replied to your email. Will  be waiting for the access details.
Christopher Oct 16 '12
chris usti
chris usti Jan 1 '14
figure out the fix??  I have the 'exact' same problem
ross Team
ross Jan 7 '14
Chris Usti, 

You sent me PM that you have fixed the problem. Can you please, share the solution, in case our community members run into this problem?

ross Team
ross Jan 7 '14
Christopher, have you managed to solve the issue with the database step during installation?