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PHP Executions reached 75% of hosting plan capabilities | Forum

Ulises Aguilera
Ulises Aguilera Jul 29 '18
Hi, I have some issue with my current web hosting provider wich is FastComet.com

PHP Executions reached 75% of hosting plan capabilities

It says, that I reach the "quota" of PHP executions, so, my site is in hold, it is suspended.

It says that this came mainly from the index.php pages. Because I have 4 oxwall instalaltions in the server.

I use to have this or more, but with other web hosting providers never happened this before. This is the first time.

Can you help me to understand, what happen here?
Are they wright? bbut, why never happened this before?

What are this executions of php? Are the times that I open the site?

Does my sites have some hiden plugins sending information to some other person?

Or the intlalled plugins are working underground? do I need to delete some plugins and themes? or what happen?


dave Leader
dave Jul 30 '18
Give this a read :)


The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 30 '18
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jul 30 '18
Topic was moved from General Questions.
JB TECH Jul 30 '18


A lot of online hosting is shared-hosting. Shared-hosting is the cheapest way to start your website, but it is what it says it is: shared space. Your site(s) are running on the same server and using the same resources of select other sites that might be provided by your host.

Due to the stress of operating multiple different websites of different functionality and purpose usually leads hosting companies to push limits on customer's websites. PHP Executions can be one of them. If I recall correctly, each call to a PHP function executes it to run whatever logic is in the script. This is limited so a shared server won't be overrun and everyone gets their share. However, this can also be pushed onto VPS online hosting as well, check with your provider.

All in all, I recommend checking out the article Dave shared, and to consider upgrading your hosting plan (from shared to VPS if you're on shared hosting) to one with more or unlimited memory usage. Especially if you're going to be running 4 different Oxwall installs on the same plan.



Ulises Aguilera
Ulises Aguilera Jul 30 '18
Thanks Dave, Im going to read it.

Thanks Jake, thanks for the lesson, Im still learning. :)