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internal server eror e500.php | Forum

Wahyu Aug 13 '18

hello, anyone can help me for this http://prntscr.com/ki59qq ?

please help me

dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '18
hi, it means that your login info for your DB is not correct.  

When you set up your DB you created a user and password, those are not correct when you install the software and the software cannot connect to the DB which is why you get the message

be sure you prefix the username and password with your cpanel username like so

if your cpanel username is  samplename  then it would look like this when you install the software and enter your username in the field. 


samplename_database name

for the password just put the password no prefix required

then you can connect. 

so when the software asks you for database info dont just type username, prefix it with your cpanel username and then _  (underscore) 

does that make sense?

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 13 '18
Wahyu Aug 13 '18
Where i should type that?
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '18
Well if you are tring to install the software it will ask you for the database info during install.  

If you have already installed the software then check out ow_includes/config.php file and you will see the db info there.  

near the top of the file 

define('OW_DB_HOST', 'localhost');

define('OW_DB_PORT', null);

define('OW_DB_USER', 'sample_dbuser');   

define('OW_DB_PASSWORD', 'xxxxxxxxxx');

define('OW_DB_NAME', 'sample_dbname');

user and dbname both have this format   xxx_xxxx

replace sample with your cpanel user name in both places

replace dbuser with the database username you assigned for the database

replace dbname with the database name you gave to your database

replace xxxxxxx with your db password

you did create a database correct?

you gave your database user all permissions correct?

before you installed the software you were supposed to create a database and give it a name and user. 

if you have done that and installed the software and it cannot connect it means your db login info is wrong.

if that does not work then i will need to know at what point you get that message

during install?

during site execution?

i also will need to know 

what version of php 

what server OS (centOS etc)

shared, dedicated server, or vps

what version of oxwall  (manual install or auto install)

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 13 '18
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '18
Also see the bottom part of this page.... 


Wahyu Aug 14 '18
Thank you very much sir. my website is running normally again now.
love you
dave Leader
dave Aug 14 '18
You are very welcome - glad to help.. :)