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PDO Exception | Forum

Michael Leader
Michael Jan 28 '11
Lef the site in a usable state last night. I didn't do ANYTHING to it and this morning I come down to this error ont he main page...

Message: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_ffc_0.MYI' (Errcode: 28)
File: /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/database.php
Line: 317

#0 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/database.php(317): PDOStatement->execute()
#1 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/database.php(384): OW_Database->execute('?? ...', Array)
#2 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/photo/bol/photo_dao.php(255): OW_Database->queryForList('?? ...', Array)
#3 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/photo/bol/photo_service.php(165): PHOTO_BOL_PhotoDao->getPhotoList('featured', 1, '40')
#4 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/photo/components/photo_list_widget.php(57): PHOTO_BOL_PhotoService->findPhotoList('featured', 1, '40')
#5 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(214): PHOTO_CMP_PhotoListWidget->__construct(Object(BASE_CLASS_WidgetParameter))
#6 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_index.php(109): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->renderView()
#7 /home/acc/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/%%F2^F2A^F2A5686C%%drag_and_drop_index.html.php(69): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropIndex->tplComponent(Array, Object(OW_Smarty))
#8 /home/acc/public_html/ow_libraries/smarty/Smarty.class.php(1262): include('/home/acc/...')
#9 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/view_renderer.php(100): Smarty->fetch('/home/acc/...')
#10 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(235): OW_ViewRenderer->renderTemplate('/home/acc/...')
#11 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(222): OW_Renderable->render()
#12 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(56): OW_Renderable->render()
#13 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/dispatcher.php(247): BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->render()
#14 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/application.php(292): OW_Dispatcher->dispatch()
#15 /home/acc/public_html/index.php(65): OW_Application->dispatch()
#16 {main}

Type: PDOException

Any ideas
(hopefully quickly)
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 28 '11
Seems linked to the photo widget

I put the site into maintenance mode and went to backup, do data exporter, I came back in 1/2 hr and the site was ok.
Could this have been a host issue???
The Forum post is edited by Michael Jan 28 '11
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 30 '11
I am still seeing flashes of this the odd time on the site…
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 30 '11
contacted my host… ranted at them and it seems to have gone away.
I think it is something to do with the tmp folder on the server not allocating enough space or something.
Den Team
Den Jan 31 '11
Hello Michael.
Sorry for a delay. This error means that something wrong with your /tmp folder on server. Not enough space or permission problem.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 4 '11
If I have a lot of stuff on my main page could this cause the problem. It seems when my site is "loaded" on teh main this happens?

Maybe some advice on an optimal content limit!?
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 5 '11
Got some more PDO exceptions today.
I noticed it was playing with members' pages.

I deactivated the newsfeed and the site returned to normal.
Just letting you know.

Error below...

Message: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_3614_0.MYI' (Errcode: 28)
File: /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/database.php
Line: 317
Trace: [/i]

#0 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/database.php(317): PDOStatement->execute()
#1 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/database.php(361): OW_Database->execute('SELECT action.*...', Array)
#2 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/newsfeed/bol/action_dao.php(100): OW_Database->queryForObjectList('SELECT action.*...', 'NEWSFEED_BOL_Ac...', Array)
#3 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/newsfeed/bol/service.php(213): NEWSFEED_BOL_ActionDao->findByFeed('user', '112', 10)
#4 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/newsfeed/components/user_feed_widget.php(56): NEWSFEED_BOL_Service->getFeed('user', '112', 10)
#5 /home/acc/public_html/ow_plugins/newsfeed/components/feed_widget.php(91): NEWSFEED_CMP_UserFeedWidget->getFeed(10)
#6 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(199): NEWSFEED_CMP_FeedWidget->onBeforeRender()
#7 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(222): OW_Renderable->render()
#8 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(240): OW_Renderable->render()
#9 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(225): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->render()
#10 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_entity_panel.php(206): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->renderView()
#11 /home/acc/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/%%C5^C57^C57CC62A%%drag_and_drop_entity_panel.html.php(72): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropEntityPanel->tplComponent(Array, Object(OW_Smarty))
#12 /home/acc/public_html/ow_libraries/smarty/Smarty.class.php(1262): include('/home/acc/...')
#13 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/view_renderer.php(100): Smarty->fetch('/home/acc/...')
#14 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(235): OW_ViewRenderer->renderTemplate('/home/acc/...')
#15 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(147): OW_Renderable->render()
#16 /home/acc/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(286): BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->action('profile', '112', false, Array, 'drag_and_drop_e...')
#17 : BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->profile(Array)
#18 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/dispatcher.php(239): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel), Array)
#19 /home/acc/public_html/ow_core/application.php(292): OW_Dispatcher->dispatch()
#20 /home/acc/public_html/index.php(65): OW_Application->dispatch()
#21 {main}

Type: PDOException
The Forum post is edited by Michael Feb 5 '11
Den Team
Den Feb 7 '11
Hi Michael!
What size of your /tmp folder? Would you check data in this folder when you get this error? I can't believe that this error can appear from Newsfeed plugin :)
If you have /tmp folder too small, it can be overloaded by user's session files.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 8 '11
/tmp folder is 2G I was told by my host.
The error I think was caused by someone playing with the site and experimenting on it live. That person has been severely reprimanded. I have reduced main page content down and after seeing what "THAT" person was doing they were creating an automatic scheduled backup script for backing up the db. When this was running the site went to PDO exception. That schedule now runs at 4am and THAT person will learn to not play with the site like that!

OK so THAT person was me!
The Forum post is edited by Michael Feb 8 '11
Den Team
Den Feb 8 '11
:) LOL
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 21 '11
Is there any chance oxwwall will develop an admin plugin that will do scheduled backups?

Or could you tell me the files that will not change so when I goto do a backup I am not checking the whole site for changes, just maybe userfiles etc. Just to make it quicker.
I use a program to sync the changes between the site and a folder on my pc so it will only propegate the deleted and changed and new files then I script a mysqldump then script the complete pack into a zip and move to my archive.

My problem is the schedule of the site — pc changes. The rest I have. (even if mysqldump trashes the site for a short period)
It would be nicer if this could all be done on the server scheduled in the admin panel.
Den Team
Den Feb 21 '11
Ohh… sorry Michael, but currently, we don't have enough free hands to make something like this. Do you use Cpanel? If yes, then it has an easy backup tool, which backup all your files and databases from your account :)