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Plugin Licences and a Dynamic IP | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Tobias Gosdzinski
Tobias Gosdzinski Aug 28 '18


I have the problem that my plugins are disabled because I only get a dynamic IP address from my hoster. What can I do to prevent my licenses from being disabled? Looking forward to your answers.

JB TECH Aug 28 '18

As the system currently stands, each time the associated website IP is changed, it will tell the Oxwall servers. This is why on your "My Items" page, it has a "RESET IP"  button for this case. However, I know it must be a pain to constantly reset.

Besides manually going in and nulling each plugin to skip a license check (which I recommend against as 1) a lot of plugins means its time consuming and 2) it's against Oxwall and many plugin's terms of services).

As far as I know, there really isn't much to do besides see if you can get a static IP address from your host to use. Oxwall doesn't have any system in place to set your license to a website rather than just to an IP.


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Roselyn Gonzales
Roselyn Gonzales Dec 4 '22
I think your plugins are definitely disabled, that's a sure deal. You should check out plotip, maybe that can help you with this problem. Or maybe not.
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