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Theme Error | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
sandeep Sep 21 '18

Can some one help me how to fix this error. I changed the theme and deleted the unused theme, after that am getting the below error. The file '.html_document. exsist in the theme master page

Something went wrong!
To get the error details follow these steps:
- Open ow_includes/config.php file and set DEBUG_MODE to true
- Reproduce your last action. Error details: Type: Exception Message: Can't find master page `'.html_document.'` ! File: /home/lnygqpqy/public_html/ow_core/theme_manager.php Line: 220 Trace: #0 /home/lnygqpqy/public_html/ow_core/html_document.php(610): OW_ThemeManager->getMasterPageTemplate('html_document') #1 /home/lnygqpqy/public_html/ow_core/response.php(171): OW_HtmlDocument->render() #2 /home/lnygqpqy/public_html/ow_core/application.php(469): OW_Response->respond() #3 /home/lnygqpqy/public_html/index.php(94): OW_Application->returnResponse() #4 {main}

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Sep 21 '18
Have you try to install theme once again?

Have you a backup you can override the problem vid?

sandeep Sep 21 '18

Hi Evrik, Unfortunately I cannot login to admin panel to change the theme and I don't know how to change the theme without admin console or via backend.

May be I missed to add 1 additional information:- Am getting the error when am trying to access admin page.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 21 '18
Just wondering. Do you still have the base Simplicity theme installed? That theme is required for Oxwall admin panel.
sandeep Sep 21 '18
Hi Darryl, Yes, the simplicity theme is installed in ow_themes and "html_document" file exists in master page folder.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 21 '18

Possibly a corrupted upload.

You could try re-installing the theme directly from cpanel, or using an ftp client.

If you try cpanl

1. upload the theme zip file, and extract it in a folder on your server.

2. copy the extracted folder over the current theme folder under ow_themes.

With the simplicity theme still installed you should be able to access the admin panel by using


sandeep Sep 21 '18
Hi Darryl, I tried but no success:( 
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 21 '18

May want to check the themes master pages folder to see if there is an html_document file in there, and if it as any content.

Did you delete that other theme by using the admin panel, or just try deleting the folder on the server?

sandeep Sep 23 '18
Hi Darryl, I checked the master pages folder and html_document exsist in that folder will all content in it. (File is there like how it should be). I tried to delete the theme folders in the server through ftp:(
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 23 '18
That may be your problem. Try adding that theme back to the ow_themes folder. When a theme is installed there are also database entries. You should always use the admin panel to delete unwanted themes.
sandeep Sep 23 '18

Hi Daaryl, Yes I tried but no success yet. Now in ow_themes folders, I have both the themes simplicity and the custom made theme.Do you know how to change the theme via db?  in which table value?

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 23 '18

I think so, but I've never tried it. I did run across a post mentioning this method.

In phpmyadmin / ow_base_config you will see a "active theme" line. This will show the flder name of your current active theme. Edit to the folder name of another theme, and it should make that one the active theme. I would have the exact folder name of the Simplicity theme handy, if you decide to try it.

When you say custom theme. Do you mean that it is one you created? Does it have correct info in the theme xml file? Is the folder named correctly.

sandeep Sep 26 '18
Hi Darrly B

Your gave me a right direction to look. Thank you for the support.
I will post here what I Did, as this may help someone for version 1.8.4. The following work around help me
When u install a theme a Database entry is made in this table "ow_base_theme" (You can look the table to know the fields")
Another table "ow_base_theme_content" is having the information about the master pages in each theme
As i tried to remove the theme and its folders through ftp in server, these 2 tables were corrupted. The values in the theme ID and Theme name field is not exactly as what is in ow_themes folder in server.
I inserted the new values into table "ow_base_theme_content" and updated the table now its working fine.
Every theme wil have .xml file - this information is "ow_base_theme" table.
All the master page information is on table "ow_base_theme_content"