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Error log shows ow_core/error_manager.php line 235 ??? | Forum

Blaire Oct 31 '18
So, I was messing with some plugins today that I have and accidentally used 0xArt Speed Optimizer to clear far too much data. (I accidentally checked all three and cleared them: Clear merged and compressed JS/CSS, Clear template cache, and Clear theme cache.) After the site finally loaded again, I found my site is EXTREMELY slow. This has persisted all day long. I've checked my error log and I have the following error that is recurring periodically as well as random, frequent 503 errors:

[31-Oct-2018 01:16:11 US/Eastern] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to OW_ErrorManager::exceptionHandler() must be an instance of Exception, instance of TypeError given in /home/sitename/public_html/ow_core/error_manager.php:235
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: OW_ErrorManager->exceptionHandler(Object(TypeError))
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/sitename/public_html/ow_core/error_manager.php on line 235

So, I went to line 235 in ow_core/error_manager.php and it is:

    public function setErrorPageUrl( $errorPageUrl )

Is anyone able to help guide me on getting this corrected, please? Any suggestions on what is going on or ideas on what I can try to repair whatever I've done wrong?
The Forum post is edited by Blaire Oct 31 '18
Blaire Oct 31 '18
Immediate update (if not anything but my own records or to hopefully help someone else searching in the future)

I was checking https://developers.oxwall.com/hosting (per dave's request on a previous topic) just making sure all was still suitable.

Found somehow site php version was 7.1
Changed php version back down to 5.6 as it has been previously

Hopefully this corrects whatever has gone on.

(Forever thanking dave!)
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