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htaccess 404 Error - Oxwall stopped working - Need help please! | Forum

John Oct 23 '12
Hello everyone!

Yesterday my Oxwall page worked fine, today for some reason I only see 404 error page. Can anyone please help me?

The Forum post is edited by John Oct 26 '12
Alia Team
Alia Oct 23 '12
John, did you do any changes in .htaccess files?
John Oct 23 '12
no, I didn't.
Alia Team
Alia Oct 23 '12
John, that is very strange. Software couldn't just disappear...Can you check on your server whether it is actually there?

Also, can you check whether links in your header are pointing to correct place? Right now they point to forum/forum  forum/blogs  and etc.
John Oct 23 '12
Aliia, it is very strange.. The software is on my server and links are pointing to correct place. The software is in "forum" folder. If you'd like, I can send you my ftp details. I really don't know what to do...
Alia Team
Alia Oct 23 '12
Yes, would be great if you PM me access details to your server.
John Oct 23 '12
Aliia, I have sent you all details.
John Oct 24 '12
Anyone can help me, please?
Alia Team
Alia Oct 25 '12
John, I renamed WP's .htaccess file to _htaccess and Oxwall started working. Try doing this yourself.
John Oct 25 '12
Aliia, thank you, now I know where is the problem. Changing htaccess file would be easier way to fix this. Unfortunately I have no idea how to do this.
Alia Team
Alia Oct 25 '12
Thats when google can help :)
Here is what I have found http://wordpress.org/support/topic/subdirectory-woes . Might work for you.

John Oct 25 '12
Thanks Aliia. I tried ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized" and that didn't work :(

John Oct 25 '12
It's been three days I have tried to find a solution but none of them works. I won't be able to fix this myself :(
The Forum post is edited by John Oct 25 '12
Pete Oct 25 '12
Deactivate all your plugins the reactivate them one at a time , it worked for me.
John Oct 25 '12
Hi Pete. I am not able to access my admin panel so I can't do anything..

The problem is with Word Press's .htaccess file but I have no idea how to change it.

John Oct 26 '12
Why is it so hard to get some help here? My oxwall doesn't work AT ALL and I am not able to fix it myself. It's been almost a week!
The Forum post is edited by John Oct 26 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Did you tried having the default .htaccess file content from oxwall zip file in the oxwall directory?

Is wordpress a sub-dir or the oxwall?
John Oct 26 '12
The default .htaccess file is the same as the one from oxwall zip file.

Wordpress is located in http://sitename.com

oxwall is in http://sitename.com/forum

The Forum post is edited by John Oct 26 '12
John Oct 26 '12
OK, someone told me to add in oxwall htaccess file this instruction:

RewriteBase /forum

That's all! I so can't believe oxwall support wasn't able to help me...

The Forum post is edited by John Oct 26 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
You need to modify the wp .htaccess file.

There are lot of links available in google related to this.. to allow other scripts in a wp sub-directory.

For me your forum link opened fine.
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