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Having a problem with uploading an profile picture | Forum

Braden Cruise
Braden Cruise Oct 24 '12
I've tried searching on here about other's having a problem uploading a profile picture but can't find anything that has helped me. 

I'm just setting up my site and am testing. I created a member account and when I go to change avatar, select my .jpg file, click on Upload, it doesn't show the image and I get this message "Please choose image file", well I did. Please see screen shots.

I've also changed the permission to 777 on the ow_userfiles and ow_static directories

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

site url is: www.hotelmingle.com

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Can you please check the limit of file size upload in your settings?
Alia Team
Alia Oct 25 '12
Braden, one of our users have faced the same issue before and it was something on the hosting side. Can you check with your hosting company as well ( just in case).
Steve Oct 30 '12
I have the same problem as this. the only thing i can think of is that the site is on a subdomain from my main site www.mymainsite.whatever/oxwallsite. ;

my main site that this comes off is a big forum with loads of members and a gallery and loads of uploading of pictures with no problems, so server side is fine..

I know how this software works as i was playing with wallfm for ages so all permissions are set right.. but still i cant load a simple avatar.. as the screens from Braden illustrate.

Any advice appreciated


Alia Team
Alia Nov 1 '12
Braden, seems like you moved to another software. Wasn't able to find Oxwall under the given URL. If you have it installed somewhere else, let me know.

Steve, wall.fm is a hosted solution. Sites powered by it are located on special servers where everything is configured correctly.  Oxwall is hosted on your own server, so can you just make sure that you have the right permissions? And also confirm that this issue happens only with avatar images? Try uploading any other photo ( not avatar).