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ftp settings errors | Forum

Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Jan 5 '19

I cannot upgrade my plugins to the latest version because oxwall says my ftp settings are wrong. I've checked too many times to count, and even my host has verified this for me.

Is there another way to get latest versions of these plugins activated? Like through file manager? Thanks for any help.

Steve Jan 5 '19
The way I do it is. you will need a program like winscp.

1. Login to your site with winscp.

2. On the left side of winscp is the computer you are on and on the right side is your server.

3. Make sure the plugin you downloaded is unzipped and open the folder to where you see another folder. Example c:\download\hint2020\hint.

4. In your server go to the folder ow_plugins and click on it...Then on your side go to the plugin you have downloaded and open the unzipped folser and you will see another folder right click on that folder and then go down to where it say's upload and click on upload. the folder you upload will over write the old folder with the same name.

5. Go to your server with your browser like google chrome or internet explorer and login as admin then go to manage plugins and when you do it will ask if you want to update the plugin you just uploaded click yes.

Your are done upgrading the plugin.

P.S. yoou can also upload new plugins the same way.

Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Jan 7 '19
Thank you, Steve. I will give this a try. I'm sure it is easy, just something different. Which is good. Thank you again for replying.
Alpha Johnson
Alpha Johnson Dec 4 '21

FTP error “550 Permission Denied” or “550 No Such File or Directory”

FTP error “530 User cannot log in” or “Home Directory Inaccessible”

FTP error “425 Can't Open Data Connection”

FTP error “ECONNREFUSED” or “Connection Refused by Server”