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site became very very slow | Forum

Sam Oct 26 '12
Dear all,

last 3 days suddenly my website became very slow.. however my hosting provider said there is no issue with them. I remove many plug in in order to make this site faster but no use :( please help me..

my site url: umaytell.com/connect

  ajax error.bmp (3075.05Kb)
Sam Oct 26 '12
any reply
Soloplayer Designs
Soloplayer Designs Oct 27 '12
oxwall support only works monday - friday
Victor Daniel Tremblay
Well it is very slow... I would first ask if you use cron.
cit27 Oct 27 '12
If you are installing a anti spammerand hot photo plugins, try uninstall those plugins. 
Alia Team
Alia Oct 30 '12
Sam, with regards to the site speed, first of all it would be great to know what have caused this sudden slow down. Did you install anything? Did you have any changes in the amount of your site users or amount of files they have uploaded?

Site speed was discussed in several forum topic. You can check  this one http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6195 to get some ideas on what you can do to increase it.