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Mobile site for Oxwall?? | Forum

JB TECH Oct 29 '12

If Oxwall was built and developed from Skadate, how come Oxwall can't have a similar mobile layout like Skadate software has?


This is the kind of mobile version I dream of:

I say this because the way this is built, it'll be light on mostly every phone model instead of just iPhones, Blackberrys, etc. So, is this mobile thing planned for oxwall? If so, what would it's cost be?

The Forum post is edited by JB TECH Oct 29 '12
Abbey Oct 29 '12
skadate is and oxwall are the same company, same with chuppo, skadate is paid software though, oxwall if free.... you get what you pay for
JB TECH Oct 29 '12
I know, but if they were to give the same mobile site version for oxwall at a price, I'd totally pay for it!
Abbey Oct 29 '12
many would Jake
JB TECH Oct 29 '12
I just think, since they told me their going to make a support section that users will have to pay for, why not have this? Like other softwares offer additional plans, like for example how GROU.PS offers mobile app, valet build, etc, for a certain price, Oxwall would be better if they did similar, including this mobile version of their software.
Pete Oct 31 '12
Jake if Oxwall start to sell addons ,IE mobile aps,then this free Oxwall would be finnished.As people would want more payed aps .
The Forum post is edited by Pete Oct 31 '12
JB TECH Oct 31 '12
I don't think I made myself clear enough.

They told me they're planning on giving instant and better support for members who PAY for it, so why not do things like make mobile software script to add to your site if you pay the set price for it? Or vallet build? While all in all keeping the software free, but offering better things to customers, if your willing to make them pay for better support.

Pete Oct 31 '12
Why dont you then  post a job for somebody to build you this mobile mod,then you sell the mod in the shop ,make it clear to the person that codes it that you get all resale rights ,this way you get your mod and make money,with the right mod huge amounts to be made. I was going to do this myself ,due to to much of a workload i just do not have time .

The Forum post is edited by Pete Oct 31 '12
JB TECH Nov 1 '12
But it'd still be better I think for Oxwall to do something like additional services. Even if it is just a plugin or something, besides, they plan mobile soon.
Jack Wilson
Jack Wilson Mar 26 '23
I think it is an amazing idea to have a mobile site for oxwell because lot of people forum users can access from anywhere, just like they can easily use dual WhatsApp by using this WhatsApp Plus application.