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Comet Chat is No 1 | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Nov 4 '12
I was looking for a good chat app for my website, so I took a look at arrow chat, but after reading up on it I wasn't satisfied that it would be good enough for my members, then I came across a chat application called Comet Chat, so I read up on it and it stated that the basic Comet Chat you could purchase for as little as $49, but I wanted to give my members a little bit more than the basic version was offering, so I took a risk and purchased their Platinum version for $499 and I will tell you now it was worth every last cent, all I can say is it is brilliant, you can chat live on video, you can send files, photo's and video's through the chat application, you can also challenge your friends to a game of chess, darts and much more, plus you can advertise on it too.

I know that it is expensive but put it this way if you want to succeed some times you have to go the extra mile.

Stan Jnr


Abbey Nov 4 '12
I have the basic version, I hope to upgrade in the future, it is an amazing chat and I'm glad they did an oxwall integration.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Nov 4 '12
Hi Abbey, well if you are going to upgrade to the platinum version, then you will be in for a real treat, it as loads of added little apps too, like translate page, facebook fanpage, chat rooms, etc etc, you can also customize it to how you want it to fit in with you website. you can also monitor all chats.
Abbey Nov 4 '12
i have chat rooms, the only thing i don't have is FB, Gtalk and cams, the rest is standard
John Michaels
John Michaels Jan 18 '13

Quote from Stan Thompson I was looking for a good chat app for my website, so I took a look at arrow chat, but after reading up on it I wasn't satisfied that it would be good enough for my members, then I came across a chat application called Comet Chat, so I read up on it and it stated that the basic Comet Chat you could purchase for as little as $49, but I wanted to give my members a little bit more than the basic version was offering, so I took a risk and purchased their Platinum version for $499 and I will tell you now it was worth every last cent, all I can say is it is brilliant, you can chat live on video, you can send files, photo's and video's through the chat application, you can also challenge your friends to a game of chess, darts and much more, plus you can advertise on it too.

I know that it is expensive but put it this way if you want to succeed some times you have to go the extra mile.

Stan Jnr



I looked around at literally TONS of chat systems before I chose mine
and Comet (in my opinion ) was bottom of the barrel. I got a state of
the art flash based chat system and created a button to lead to it
in the Oxwall software.

GCHATS is the maker of it. (Formerly known as VisiChat)

It has been totally and completely the best chat software that I
have ever used. $300.00 and you get unlimited webcams and
unlimited users and plenty of options for addons.

I would never use anything else.


The Forum post is edited by Den Jan 22 '13