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( closed subject ) Error newsfeed plugin | Forum

Marius Aug 23 '19

later edit:

 closed subject  

The Forum post is edited by Marius Nov 4 '19
dave Leader
dave Aug 23 '19
Part of it is that your loading https content as http.   Some of that is not avoidable depending on how the user posts the content.  You can always force https for everything but there will still be times that you will see that issue.  
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Aug 23 '19

Please report any issues that are appropriate to the forum topics.

Images are distorted.

Not enough source of problem specified.

site address not specified.

Add clear and explicit information, add the site address that is experiencing the problem. Add the Error.log record.

dave Leader
dave Aug 24 '19
First tell your host to enable ziparchive, you can do so if you have cpanel.  Ziparchive is listed on the oxwall requirements page, make sure your server is set up correctly and meets all those requirements.   Also go back to php 5.6.4 or minimum 7.1 and many of those (other than the ziparchive)will go away. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 24 '19
dave Leader
dave Aug 24 '19
It means that when table fields are set up, they either do or dont have default values assigned to each field depending on the type of field. Looks like the field named "likes" is suppose to have a default value in case nothing is input by the user and so it flagged it because it does not have a default value.  

I suspect you have either corrupted your backup sql in some way or you are using a later version of php which might require fields to have a default value.   I dont know unless i look to see whats there.   But you can look at it, just open up your phpmyadmin and open up the comments table, click the structure tab at the top and see if likes is suppose to have a default value.   Then look at the data and see if it has one. 

If you see that all other like fields have values but one does not, then change that value of the one that does not to look like the other fields.  As that might be the record that is tripping the error.

Also some fields with the new php get tripped up because it equates 0 to null and not a value so youll have to look and see.  So in that case you may see 0 in the field but it will still flag it because it sees that as null in some cases. 

Just back up your db first.

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 24 '19
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Aug 24 '19
This has already happened to me. The fbcoments plugin corrupts the comment tables with PHP 7.1 Not always, only sometimes.
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Aug 25 '19

Marius, buddy,

Added a reply to your help message for the problem.

I think the problem is more than your record.

Mysql connection number is missing, I think you have used suhis updates.

Your site has missing css, js, mysql issues in the active newsletter.

Your message has been specified.

You should avoid too much load.

You should avoid adding too many plugins at a time.

Plugin installation should be done following the process. 

Note that some developers may add a lot of features into a plugin.

It can adapt the same process with different requests in 2 different extensions. This affects the work in the source plug-in.

lisa Sep 8 '19

hello i belive i am having a similiar issue relalted to this newsfedd post

i switched back to php 7.1 and so far i dont get parse errors

but what happens is when i post a comment in the whats happening comment box on my profile page, then if i refesh the webpage or changes pages and go back the comment is gone

i tried using some php 5 to php 7 static anylsis tolls but still cant fixc it

and i tried phan but its complex and i cant get to wotk

would anyone know the codebase source code fic for this bug or maybe it can be fixes in the admin

thxz for any help


Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Sep 8 '19

Please send your lisa site address.

Also report site.com/ow_log/error.log.

lisa Sep 8 '19

hello sir

thank you for the reply

i will go check in the folder and file


and then post contents here

lisa regards

lisa Sep 8 '19

i found this line in the erro log file

it should be related to my issue which when i comment on my profile page after a browser refresh the comment disappers

i have just begun to search the erro line on the net but if you know the adjustments to the code kindly let me know if thats ok or there is another way around this and will it also precvent parse eroors ?

well anywayys thank you


[Sun Sep 8 7:04:10 2019] [ow_core_log] [Notice] Message: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls File: /homepages/htdocs/backup/ow_libraries/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compilebase.php Line:78

The Forum post is edited by lisa Sep 8 '19
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Sep 8 '19

PHP 7 release error (each) PHP 7 version is no longer used.

Please send your site address as a message.

You may need extra login information.

lisa Sep 8 '19

hello sir

thank you for the reply

but i dont understand your request

ok thanks

i am reading some articles on this issue and it seems i hav to change to foreach

not sure how

here is the affected code


// loop over attributes
        foreach ($attributes as $key => $mixed) {
            // shorthand ?
            if (!is_array($mixed)) {
                // option flag ?
                if (in_array(trim($mixed, '\'"'), $this->option_flags)) {
                    $_indexed_attr[trim($mixed, '\'"')] = true;
                    // shorthand attribute ?
                } elseif (isset($this->shorttag_order[$key])) {
                    $_indexed_attr[$this->shorttag_order[$key]] = $mixed;
                } else {
                    // too many shorthands
                    $compiler->trigger_template_error('too many shorthand attributes', null, true);
                // named attribute
            } else {
                $kv = each($mixed);



The Forum post is edited by lisa Sep 8 '19
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Sep 8 '19

My word is very clear.

I don't know what a contradiction.

See some features removed in the new version of php7.

We corrected ourselves. As Oxwall's help team, we only help people.

A each and foreach loop are different,

If the objective is not correct, the result is false.

I believe you can find more information by looking at the forum topics.

I hope you get the answer you want.

You can use one that has a lot of updated work on forum content.

I cannot help you without your address and authorization. Please search as PHP 7 issues.

lisa Sep 8 '19

should i replace line 78

$kv = each($mixed);

with this ?

foreach ($mixed as $kv => $kv );

lisa Sep 8 '19

im really sorry but i juts dont understand your responses


lisa Sep 8 '19

i guess i will post new topic for this issue i have

cuz i dont understand your responses

i gueuss also i need to put in the forum search box php 7 issues?

also you said you help people ok so thats why im here

well anyways thank you


Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Sep 8 '19

please use a few posts open now about this issue.The forum page will open in your search for PHP 7 issues.You can make a copy from this source where new edits are added.
Re-add the contents of ow_libraries to your site.Remove all old content and add all the resulting files.

lisa Sep 8 '19

hello sir

ok let me try these new commits from your link and update ow_libraires

and see results

i will update here on results and search forum for PHP7 issues if still not resolved


lisa Sep 9 '19

hello sir

i just want to update you and forum

i downloaded and fully instlled the git hub sofware link you gave me and this resovles the comment system not displaying comments after browser refresh and also it seems that its 7.x(3) php compatible and no parse errors should appear

but i found also a more efficient way to update an exisiting software webapp based on this platform it would be to run the PATCH


to get best results continue to update from ver build 1.8.4 all the way to 1.9.10

and this will now be up to date with php 7.3


thank you sir


The Forum post is edited by lisa Sep 9 '19
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