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User Information | Forum

Jochen Aug 25 '19
Hi all, I have the following questions:

1st:) In which table of the database the city information of the users are stored ?

in  ow_base_user  and in ow_base_question_data  I could not find the city values.

2nd:)  Which table keeps the user`s privacy-settings ?

3rd:) which table keeps the user-profile pictures ?

Thanks in advance, br, Jochen
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Aug 25 '19


User city information is added as a page in your questions section.

You should find out what has been added to your site's questions data.

To do this in mysql content

ow_base_question / name / sectionName

ow_base_question_dat to

ow_base_question_to_account_typ to

contents. Keep in mind that you have taken a number with the page you need to take the question to.

Jochen Aug 28 '19
Thank you very much for your fast reply, I got it working now, br, Jochen