you can add, block, links, ads, news etc.
But there is something missing, the option to stop the active ad should be added.
If multiple ad networks are used, Admin should be able to temporarily suspend content that it has added. There is a removal option, but it should have Active / Passive ad jaw.
In addition, an impression can be added to add how many pages have been viewed for admin. Rich media content can be added, user interaction can be added.
Now a successful business as a free version.
Congratulations, I was thinking that there are no friends who prefer free jobs recently.
A special request: I have edited an ad transition structure like Google adsense, I would like to add it. Forum, Blog, classifieds, etc. it's more accurate to show ads that users have added to my content. Google advertising content is constantly causing problems. I'm adding user advertising like google on my own ad network as well as monetizing like youtube. I would appreciate it if you could provide a document and information about it.