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Ash Jan 25 '20

When I run Update in admin panel it says your site is updated and synchronized with remote server ..what is this remote server logic and who controls and owns it?


As you know there is no guarantee of oxwall and owners are not in picture since long time.. and version is not updated since long...

If in case An official end of the software project is announced and development cessation happens.. So in this case oxwall remote server will shuts down ? what happen .. will my site still be running?



Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 25 '20

Hopefully it doesn't happen. And if it happened, then you would have to resort to your contacts agenda or search Google for fan communities.

There are many things that survive the lack of interest of its creator.

A couple of examples:

Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am V8 (Knight Rider)

DeLorean DMC-12 (Back to the future)

They are no longer manufactured but there are spare parts and accessories of all kinds.

Ash Jan 26 '20
You missed answering my question. How does the script works? And will it still work if remote server is off
Quote from Patricia Zorrilla Bcn

Hopefully it doesn't happen. And if it happened, then you would have to resort to your contacts agenda or search Google for fan communities.

There are many things that survive the lack of interest of its creator.

A couple of examples:

Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am V8 (Knight Rider)

DeLorean DMC-12 (Back to the future)

They are no longer manufactured but there are spare parts and accessories of all kinds.

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 26 '20

OxWall regularly checks for updates to the kernel, plugins and themes. Also check that the licenses are valid.

If the OxWall server disappeared, you would be automatically not informed of the updates and you would have to find another way to install plugins and themas.

This will require modifications to the OxWall core

I don't know what the other developers will do. I suppose in the event of a catastrophe, the majority of those that remain will be lost.

I suppose that if OxWall disappears, all or part of the Copyright rights are lost, the legal part of all this should be studied.

For my part, I will continue using OxWall and try to convince developers to offer a free patch. The initial idea is that the plugins already installed continue to work and to install a new one a license number that the developer would assign to be validated on the server of each developer is required, or if they do not want or can have a server for this, they simply yield a list of their assigned licenses to be validated on the developer server they want.

I do not think this scenario is necessary, SkaDate uses this same system for its licenses and I do not see that they are against OxWall, I only see that they have lost interest.