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Private / Public | Forum

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Mar 2 '20
I create a new page, FAQ I want to be private and public.

Everything is ok in the database, and the page appears in the menu either public or private.

However when I wan to see it as a visitor, it returns the sign-in page. This is not the same with other page as term of use.

Any idea where I have to get a look? Since the parameters are the same in between these two pages, when I put the second destination on the first one, the second page is show, it seems there is somethig with the page it self?

Thank you for your help

Bob Bob
Bob Bob Mar 2 '20
It sounds like you may need to adjust the permissions for the page.

From your admin dashboard, go to Pages->Manage Pages.

Then select the page you want to edit (the FAQ page).

From there you should see a "Visible For" option, listing "Guests" and "Registered Members".

Make sure the checkbox for "Guests" is checked. If it is not checked, then users who are not logged in will not be able to view the page and will be redirected to the log-in page.

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Mar 3 '20
Hello Bob

Yes the checkbox for Guest is checked: so the guests see the link in the bottom menu, but when they press the link they are redirected to the sign in page.

This behavior is the same for the plugin ocsfaq I just bought: despite the facte that everybody can see the page, when they click the link they are redirected to the sign in page.

There is a permission eror somewhere but I don't know where!


Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Mar 3 '20
check your settings on the user roles page. Run your site in debug mode. The problem seems to be a confirmation registration error caused by the disconnection during recording writing. Additional answer please create another page and follow the same instructions. If the problem persists, please contact PM. It may be necessary to remotely observe the real problem by browsing your system.
Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Mar 3 '20
Thank you Oxwall Türkiye for your time:

- Nothing special in debug mode

- I have yet only one role, no pecial right for guests

- I tried to add a new page, bottom, with the same behavior: it is shown on the bottom menu eve to guests but when they click on it they return to sign in

I think you are right it must be a role problem but I don't know hot to do this

This behavior is the same with plugins: I added the ocsfaq plugin and the behavior is the same.

I will send you tomorrow some login access so you can see what is happening.

Christophe, Paris

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Mar 3 '20

It is this:

If you block access to the web to the unregistered, the behavior you describe occurs.

David Mar 3 '20

.HTACCESS file issue?  I had the same issue with it rerouting to the sign-in page. I had to change the htaccess file to read:

RewriteEngine Off

and this solved the problem.

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Mar 4 '20
@Patricia: thank you so much, this has solved my problem. I don't understand why some pages where ok and some others no, but now everything is correct.

@David: I didn't checked but will have a look in the future on the rewirte rules!

Thank you for your help again!

Christophe Tricaud

Paris, France

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Mar 4 '20

you are welcome.

If you need to hide or show certain pages to the unregistered, tell us which ones and we will look for a solution. For example here https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/66175 access to the member list is blocked even if you type the URL directly.

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Mar 7 '20
Thank you for the link!

In fact I did this but I try as much as possible not to alter the php code. May be I am wrong.

I have 3 main concerns and may be you can help me (and if I take to much of your time I will understand not to answer me!!!):

1/ I don't want the side panel to be shown on a couple of pages: contact, term of use...

I tried with css, and it works fine but: the code is sent to the member with no use and I don't think this is very nice.

So I may just go ine the PHP code, is it a good idea to alter the original code? I don't think I will put an upgrade if one may come however!

It would have been better to have de possibility to show or hide the side-panel in the admin board! Maybe an idea for a plugin.

My side panel is the member online list, son it is stupid to show it in the members page!!!

2/ Second issue: Do you think it is possible to fill the member form in different steps, some mandatories, some not:

2.1 Juste to fill email, nickname and password

2.2 to 2.6 some mandatories informations

2.7 to 2.10 some more information the member can fill later

I tried to find a plgin with no success. I am wondering if I am going to develop one, but it take a huge amount of time. Thus it is intersting.

I take oxwall more for a framework than an out of the box solution: there is a lot to do so the result will meet the expectation I need!

3/ I am wondering how you cope with test and developing website: I will have a production server, and it is easy to put new code on it. But with the mysql database I don't know how to do this: new tables or fields but also new records. And I don't control which ones to generate a commande line.

I think I am not the first one with this problem however!

Thank you for reading at alas!

Christophe Tricaud

Paris, France

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Mar 7 '20

Do not be afraid to modify the PHP files, you just have to be careful to keep a copy of the original without editing (for example a copy with the same name and extension .ph instead of .php) and always adding abundant comments next to the edited lines from when and why you make this change. Leaving the original lines as comments is also very interesting. It is very likely that in many months you will need to remember why you did this. Sometimes you make a mistake in some letter, a ";" that is left over or missing, a key "{" without closing with "}", a multi-level array with a comma "," out of place and you can waste many hours to locate this. The great flaw of PHP is that it does not have a good management of this type of errors. It is also important if you ever need help from another programmer so you can quickly know what things you have modified. Including any personal keyword of yours in these comments is also very useful: for example I put

// Patri modified 1/1/2020 to blablabla

And so with any text editor I search for "Patri" and quickly find all the patches. Looking for * .ph files with the file manager I also quickly find all the files that I have modified.

OxWall is a very good platform to do everything you want.

Normally the problem is that you do not know what you want to do but for what you say you do know that and they are not difficult things, we will help you for free in what we can and there are also very good programmers here that you can hire.

I recommend that for each issue you open a different theme in "Custom Oxwall Projects", so it will be easier to answer, take the issues for granted when they are and also, if the title is in line with the problem will serve if other people are in the same situation.

If you open a topic for each question, I will try to help you in any way I can, but this topic entitled "Private / Public" I think is solved and we should not write more on it because we are moving away from the subject of the title. This is a forum, not a chat.


Barcelona, ​​Spain

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Mar 8 '20
You are right I am going to do so.

And yes I log any change!