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I does not work! - OxHybrid | Forum

Trent Jones
Trent Jones Mar 19 '20

The designer does not have Apple App working so it is not a 3 in 1. The PWA works some of the time!  The only thing that does work is the android and you have to work with the developer on their time not yours!

I would not spend the money for something that does not work!

If you have any question you can ask me and I will tell you the truth!

Good Luck!

AppXprt Mar 19 '20
Trent wanted 20 PWA's, 20 Android Apps and 20 iOS Apps, but didn't want to be patient and isn't knowledgeable enough to create them without spoon feeding assistance. Would not take advice when given and continually refused to listen to instructions. He expected me to salvage his company through the creation of multiple Mobile Apps, when the sites are not professional and the target niche is too broad of an audience to gain traction and users. The failure of your company is on your own hands, because of your delusional attachment to your own creation while being in denial about addressing its shortcomings and failures. You don't just go and make 20 incarnations of the same failed product and expect it to be successful without addressing the issues related to their failures, but when someone tells you and gives you a path to success, you live so far in denial about these creations that you refuse to consider the fact that it hasn't worked and won't without narrowing your niche and target audience. Don't be mad and act like a child for me for telling you the truth and you not being able to handle it.
The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Mar 19 '20
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