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Translation. - Autosuspend | Forum

Rob Jun 22 '20
Why can the text (indicated on the example attachment) not be translated.
  Translate the text.JPG (23Kb)
Dev Forward
Dev Forward Jun 22 '20
The top row displays the current settings. 

By default, as installed, the "suspension reason" is English. But you can change it to anything you want.

The fields on the bottom row allow you to change the settings to whatever you like.

Dev Forward
Dev Forward Jun 23 '20
I've added a language key to allow setting the default value.
Rob Jun 23 '20

Okay, thank you.

We did not expect that the standard English sentence would be overwritten.

We assume that it also works if multiple languages are installed.?

Dev Forward
Dev Forward Jun 25 '20
Yes, the latest version should now work with multiple languages installed.
Rob Jun 25 '20

We are sorry, but when the language is set to Dutch and we adjust the text, it is not only visible in Dutch but also in the English setting.

As soon as we convert the language to English, and then put the text in English, it will also be visible in Dutch again.

Text is always overwritten, but it remains visible in both languages.

Dev Forward
Dev Forward Jun 26 '20
I believe you may not be running the latest release. The current version is 1.02. Please try uninstalling the plugin, then download the latest version, and re-install. 

If the problem persists after installing the latest version, please do let me know, and I'll take another look.

Rob Jun 26 '20

We had downloaded the plugin on 22-06-2020, so it was not that old.

We downloaded the plugin again today.

Now it works properly, we think, no members have yet been suspended, so we do not yet know how it works.

In any case, thank you for your response and help.

With regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

Dev Forward
Dev Forward Jun 26 '20
Rob - I was finally able to reproduce the issue. My apologies, you are correct, it is indeed an issue in the plugin.

Sorry for the troubles. I'll include a fix soon, in the next version release.

Rob Jun 26 '20

No problem, the point is that the plugin works fine and continues to work.

This can of course only be improved if reports are made.

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