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Removed Plugins | Forum

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Steve Jul 16 '20
I realize Dave is trying to clean up the plugins...But I ran into a small problem while trying to get to my site it would not let me in, it would just sit there with a blank screen so I checked the error logs and found there  was an error with the free Fun Gif plugin so I removed and it allowed me in I then checked the plugin store and saw it had been removed.

I don't know if removing a plugin from the store would make it not work or not, but if it does is there anyway to get around this so it will work.

I did notice though there was a Gif Pro but the price seems a little steep to me...$199 I know it takes skill to program this stuff but you would think the programmers would keep their prices reasonable so the would make some good money on selling multiple copies in stead of making very little just selling one or two copies.

The Forum post is edited by Steve Jul 16 '20
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '20

Steve, yes this can happen for several reasons. It could be that its just a license failure bug, or that there is something that is installed in that plugin that fails due to lack of validation.  I have not had that happen personally but others have.  My feeling is that its something in the plugin that maybe should not be there or is done incorrectly, but of course that is just my gut feeling which means squat...

If you just want to do gif images on the newsfeeds and thats all, no comments, no likes, i can get you my old free gif plugin that does this.  I took it off the market because i was no longer going to support it, but it was free at the time. 

If you want to try a copy let me know and i will shoot you a copy.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 17 '20
Steve Jul 21 '20
Never mind maybe someone can write a new gif plugin like the one that I had that you can use gif's from a list or search for one yourself like the old one did it was almost like the one used on facebook.

The pro one in the store is way out of a lot of peoples price range.

Steve Jul 21 '20
Should remove Facebook Connect and Contact Importer they no longer work with Facebook since they changed their format.
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Sep 19 '20
Varning for Chris_W tip here ; "https://github.com/oxwall/fbconnect" this plugin crash your oxwall system. If so? go to you cpanel "file mannager" "public_html/ow_plugins" and delet fbconnect there.
Steve Sep 20 '20
I have Facebook connect working now they changed their format and I didn't realize I had to go back into the Facebook app. panel and change a few things.

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