Ran into both of these errors in one of my plugins and so i wanted to share the fix with everyone.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to OW_ErrorManager::exceptionHandler() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given
Line 235 in ow_core/error_manager.php
Since php 7.1
The fix is just remove the word Exception
original code (Exception $e)
new code ($e)
For the error : [] operator no supported for strings
It means that since php 7.1 we can no longer just use
$myarray[] = whatever we load it with
it has to be initialized because since php 7.1 php will no longer automatically assign $var[] as an array, you must tell php that it is an array first.
$myarray = array(); or $myarray = [];
Then you can use it as $myarray[] = whatever we load it with
hope that helps...