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Flexible Navigation/Hamurger Manu | Forum

Paul Aug 24 '20
I searched in the whole application in css, html, php and of cource js files, but I could find out, how the flexible hamburger menu with the class "ow_menu_more_active" is working.

Any idea?

dave Leader
dave Aug 31 '20

When i do my hamburger menus i do it like this..

I have a hidden checkbox for the drop down menu..

Then the hamburger menu is set as display:none until about 56em for the media css then it it is set to display: block

So what happens is that when you click the menu, the hidden checkbox is checked and the menu drops down, when you click it again, it hides it again.  But its only active below 56em which i find to be about standard size for most portables. 

Now as far as oxwall im sure its something similar even though its a static overflow menu. How did you search, did you use a file search utility like agent ransack (what i use) or even atom (its good too)  or did you just look manually.. 

If you did so manually then its worth it to use a utility to search whole scripts for a word, search for the css phase and it will show you every occurance of it.. That will save you tons of time, and then just work your way up the chain...  I also look for lang value keys as well using the same utility, that will tell me what files the lang is called in.

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 1 '20
dave Leader
dave Aug 31 '20

I could not find a ow_menu_more_active but i did find ow_menu_more














and in  responsive_menu.html   in ow_system_plugins/base/views/components






hope that helps :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 1 '20
Paul Sep 1 '20
Hi Dave, thanks for your reply.
Those are only styles.

Some javascript is adding "ow_main_menu_more_active" to the ow_menu_wrap ow_responsive_menu DOM after a breakpoint and i cannot find it. I a searching the whole application via shell

The Forum post is edited by Paul Sep 1 '20
Marcus Sep 1 '20
search source code for any instances of class or id in question thats part of js. also check ow.js
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