I can retrieve some very basic data with:
OW::getUser()->getUserObject()But I have no idea how to retrieve roles an user belongs to. Any idea on how to do that ?
I can retrieve some very basic data with:
OW::getUser()->getUserObject()But I have no idea how to retrieve roles an user belongs to. Any idea on how to do that ?
$authService = BOL_AuthorizationService::getInstance();
$roles = $authService->findUserRoleList($userId);
Why aren't you an Oxwall Plugin Developer?
You know Oxwall really well and I know you could do it.
When you get the roles you will find a role that is wqewq. that is the free role. I ask one time why they had that as a free role, looks like junk to me. They said it was test data that they forgot until it was too late and then they had to leave it.
Speaking of test data, you will find lots of test data still in the oxwall db, especially in the language section, and a few other places. They never did remove it before releasing the product lol