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New Chat Room recommendations? | Forum

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Jason Dayal
Jason Dayal Apr 11 '21

I currently use HTML 5 Chat and its not what im looking for and the help is unresponsive. 

I would like something that has the ability to  have webcams, private chats and private rooms. 

I wanted Arrow Chat but SkaDate support said they couldn't install for some reason. 

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Apr 18 '21

I have been using ArrowChat for many years on my website and it works very well.

I don't know why they told you that, really.

Jason Dayal
Jason Dayal Apr 18 '21
Yeah, me neither to be honest! 
Quote from Patricia Zorrilla

I have been using ArrowChat for many years on my website and it works very well.

I don't know why they told you that, really.