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Tips to Maximize Delivery Efficiency at Peak Hours | Forum

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zeeshan Dec 14 '21

Transportation and logistics businesses have a huge demand these days. The biggest reason for that is the pandemic due to which the delivery companies faced an unbearable workload. Due to this reason, the companies are investing a lot in enhancing their delivery mechanism. From hiring new resources to boosting transportation capacity, all measures are being taken. Also, the role of managers was replaced by fleet management systems during the lockdown. 


In such a hectic routine, it becomes hard for a fleet business to manage affairs effectively. Drivers are usually the ones that suffer the most to meet the ever-growing deliveries. Managing drivers at peak delivery periods is a real test for the managers. Some tips to do so will be discussed in this blog. 


Forecast Demands:

It is never a great idea to wait for delivery completely unprepared. Usually, there are consecutive demands and fulfilling them becomes problematic. Therefore, it is essential to anticipate future needs to remain ready all the time. 


Relying on data insights is the best way to do so. By analyzing the data, you can create a solid plan for probable deliveries. It will take some pressure off you during peak hours. When you have adequate preparation beforehand, there is less probability of blunders. You can allocate trips efficiently to ensure that every delivery reaches the destination on time.


Schedule Driver Tasks:

As a manager, you should utilize your drivers in a smart way for efficient delivery service. A group of overworked drivers can never provide the desired results. Tired drivers have a great chance of committing accidents which can result in a massive loss for the business. So, it is always advisable to schedule the driver tasks to distribute the burden amongst everyone equally. 


A good practice is to use drivers in short work shifts with in-between breaks. It will help keep the drivers fresh with a better focus during driving. Thus, both efficiency and productivity will increase. 


Conduct Route Planning:

The route planning is essential to ensure hassle-free daily deliveries. When the drivers have an idea about the most convenient path to take, they tend not to deviate. Therefore, it is essential to have a mechanism to plan out routes. It can help drivers to take lesser time in completing trips and will also save fuel expense. 


Modern fleet management system provide real-time guidelines to the drivers about the road situation. Whether there is excessive traffic or any other blockage, the software informs the drivers about the situation. Thus, there is lesser wastage of time during trips contributing to the efficiency.


Hire more Resources:

There are various jobs performed during the delivery lifecycle ranging from compiling requirements to vehicle and driver acquisition. An influx of deliveries puts pressure on the employees and can result in declining efficiency. However, if you have ample resources according to your needs, you can effectively carry out your job. 


You may not want to invest a lot of money in hiring employees, but it is required for a busy delivery business. From drivers to technicians and managers, everyone helps in meeting delivery requirements. Therefore, you should get the required individuals on board to be more efficient and productive. 


Implement AI (Artificial Intelligence):

It is a known fact that machines have better capability to handle pressure without committing any errors. When there is a massive load of deliveries waiting on the list, a smart system is needed to manage them efficiently. 


A modern fleet management system with AI technology is the ideal solution to optimize delivery performance. It can help juggle multiple trips at a time with better quality assurance, predictive analysis and operational automation. Other innovations in telematics like chat-bots, smart cameras can also play a huge role in facilitating operations.