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login name in the address bar | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Vladmir Dec 5 '12
Good afternoon,
when someone clicks on a user and go to your profile, your real name is visible, but the bar endreços marked the login name has to hide, mask in the address bar this login name?

Is a bug ?

Thank you and have a Merry Christmas to all!

Alia Team
Alia Dec 5 '12
Vlad, I am so sorry. I didn't understand your question! Any chance you can send a screen shot?
Vladmir Dec 6 '12
excuse me, send a private message for you.

thank you,
t +
Vladmir Dec 7 '12
is there any hide or mask the login name ... or move on. smoothly htaccess to only show folders ... in the example, until www.site.com / user

other people knowing your login name has more risk to try to log in, steal passwords?

The Forum post is edited by Vladmir Dec 7 '12
JB TECH Dec 7 '12
I agree, this is a major security problem for users, because it is much easier for hackers to get the User's username so they can login with that instead of knowing their email!

They should make a ID system and assign each member an ID and only have username as a secondary choice of log in. Example,

The link should be like:


Instead of the username.