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We communicate in ...Which messenger do you use most often? | Forum

olli fill
olli fill Jun 25 '22

If you were offered to delete all messengers and download only one. Which one would you choose and why?

anthony drowow
anthony drowow Jun 25 '22

It depends on what criteria you choose. In terms of functionality, I would choose Telegram. WhatsApp is definitely cool, but it has quite a few limitations that the developers could improve. And no one wants to do that. It's a waste of time, as far as I'm concerned. 

Archy Jun 25 '22

By the way, we recently discussed this issue with friends. Because now a lot of people are switching to gb whatsapp. This is a mod for WhatsApp, which allows you to install on Android a modified version of the popular application with extended functionality. Here you can send a large number of photos , it is very convenient. In general, a lot of things can be in this application, if you are interested, then read on websitepin, a very useful resource, there is a lot of information about popular applications.

Jack Wilson
Jack Wilson Aug 9 '22
I choose to use WhatsApp, Because it's secure amazing and also it' has some modified version like this gb whatsapp to add more features and function in it, but main reason of stay using and remaining on WhatsApp is lot of people are using this messenger....
Rendell parito
Rendell parito Dec 31 '22
I most often use og whatsapp downloaded from https://gbroid.net/ogwhatsapp-apk/ because this is the securest way to use messenger like WhatsApp with extra features.