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PM Parsererror | Forum

JB TECH Dec 18 '12
I need help real quick.

Last night, I came to discover that you see the parsererror sign now when someone tries to send a Private Message on my website.

Hours before that, there was no problem, it was working fine. Now it doesn't.

I did experimenting and deleted a use Avatar and replaced it with a different image of the same exact file name, that's all. But last time my parsererror was caused was because of a third part javascript, could someone help me?


When a user replies to a message, it takes them to 500 PHMTL page. I already also uninstalled and reinstalled the Mailbox plugin, and it's still not working.
The Forum post is edited by JB TECH Dec 18 '12
Alia Team
Alia Dec 18 '12
Jake, in addition 500 error appears sometimes when you try to send a gift as well.
Can you enable DEBUG mode on and check what is behind the 500 error?