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Custom CSS issue - Solved | Forum

Elle Spears
Elle Spears Dec 19 '12
I have a feeling I'm just overlooking something here, but I switched to the originplus theme, and whatever I do in the custom CSS doesn't make any changes. I've tried various things, and nothing seems to make any difference.

The only things I can seem to change within the theme are the options on the 'Theme settings' page.

Any help with this?
The Forum post is edited by Alia Jan 3 '13
Stuart Jan 2 '13
Sorry but don't know. I am using the macabre 1.5 template and the separator line thats under the menu disappears.

This was with a customised logo of a different height.

Then I copied and pasted the exact css from the default css and it dissapears then.



        height:164px;/** OW_Control type:text, key:headerHeight, section:1. General Settings, label: Page header height **/


.ow_header {

        background: transparent url(images/cont_menu_wrap.gif) repeat-x left bottom;

        height: 164px; /** OW_Control key:headerHeight, dir:delete **/


Its an exact copy and paste from the default but it changes the end result ?!


Maybe there is a problem

Alia Team
Alia Jan 2 '13
Elle, I have tested on my own installation and changes in CSS were applied.
What kind of changes did you try to do? ( can you paste your styles in your next message)
Alia Team
Alia Jan 2 '13
Stuart, can I have your site URL along with what you currently have in:
- existing CSS styles (read only) box ( send as an attachment)
- edit CSS  box ( send as an attachment).

Thank you.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 3 '13
Solved in PM.
Following CSS styles were missing:

.ow_main_menu {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: -60px;
        right: 0px;
        z-index: 1;
Stuart Jan 3 '13
Thanks Aliia,

Worked a treat, apols for my ignorance

Elle Spears
Elle Spears Jan 3 '13
it's working now